Original Message: 아우 생각보다 트로피가 많아서^^;유리가 막 휘네요 깨지면안되는뎅ㅠ무거운것들은~다~젤밑에넣었어용!우리가 작년에 열심히했구나..싶기두하구^^당쉰들한테두 넘 고맙구 앞으로도 열심히할게용!^^계속 응원해줄꺼죵?♥
Translation: Wow there’s a lot more trophies than I thought^^; The glass is shaking, but we’ll be in trouble if it breaksㅠ We put~all~the heavy ones at the very bottom! Seems we worked really hard last year..I’d like to think so^^ We’re really thankful to you guys, too, and I’ll work hard in the future as well!^^ Will you keep on supporting us?♥

Original Message: 트로피를 넣는데말이죠..ㅋ상들이 생각보다 크고 무겁더라구요^^; 특히나 뮤직뱅크 트로피는 너무 높아서 안들어가서 그냥 저위로 올렷어요ㅋ 또 깨트릴까봐 완전 조심했어요^.^V
Translation: Of course we put in out trophies.. ke our awards are bigger and heavier than i thought ^^; Especially since our Music Bank trophy was so tall, it wouldn’t fit so we just put it on the top ke I was scared I would break it again so I was super careful^.^V

Original Message: 선물받은 거대한 진열장을 안전히 숙소거실까지 가져다준 매니져분들 수고하셧어요~!^^ 근데 그와중에 짱매는 띵가띵가~ 한거같기두하구ㅋ 슬슬 한번 진열장을 파헤쳐볼까욧~!?!
WOW, 2NE1 sure has a lot of awards!! ^.^ they actually deserve every single thing of it! ^.^ 2NE1 HWAITING!!
Source – Dara's Me2Day
Translation – GEE@YGL
Re-uploded by peevss@blackjacks2ne1
Translation – GEE@YGL
Re-uploded by peevss@blackjacks2ne1
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