굿모닝!^.^ 네~!! 드디어 박봄다리 폴라로이드 사진의 주인공을 발표하겟슴다! 두구두구두구두구둥둥둥… 봄양의 favorite number! 는~?! 축하드립니다~! 13!^.^ 13번째 댓글주인공에게 조만간 연락드릴게용~ㅋ
Good morning!^.^ Yes~!! Finally I shall announce the winner of the polaroid picture of Bom's legs! Drumrolll please... Miss Bom's favourite number! is~?! Congratulations~! 13!^.^ I'll contact the 13th person who commented sooner or later~ ke
Good morning!^.^ Yes~!! Finally I shall announce the winner of the polaroid picture of Bom's legs! Drumrolll please... Miss Bom's favourite number! is~?! Congratulations~! 13!^.^ I'll contact the 13th person who commented sooner or later~ ke

박봄양의 인증샷입니다!ㅋ 내가 싸인도 받아서 보내드릴게요~^^ 지금은 우리가 제주도로 가는중이니 다녀올때까지 기둘려줘용~! 크하! 나 제주도 처음 가봐요!!!^.^ 기대!
Miss Park Bom's confirmation shot! ke I'll get her autograph on it too and then send it~^^ We're now on our way to Jeju Island, please wait till we come back~! Keuha! This is my first time going to Jeju Island!!!^.^ Excited!
Miss Park Bom's confirmation shot! ke I'll get her autograph on it too and then send it~^^ We're now on our way to Jeju Island, please wait till we come back~! Keuha! This is my first time going to Jeju Island!!!^.^ Excited!
Dara posted before that she would be giving away something for the person that would comment on Bom's favorite number which caused everyone's attention to strive hard haha ^^ But the person was already found! Congratulations! You are indeed very lucky haha! ^^
Source – Dara's Me2Day
Translation – GEE@YGL
Re-uploded by peevss@blackjacks2ne1
Translation – GEE@YGL
Re-uploded by peevss@blackjacks2ne1
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