안녕하세요~! 다라리포타입니다!!얼마전 저에게 볼펜 마이크가 어디서 파는지 알려주신분들을위해 봄양사진 준비했구용~ 전 그다음날 바로 마이크를 구할수잇었습니다! 미투칭구들~ 땡큐!^.^
Hello~! This is Daraporter!! A while ago, I prepared a picture of Bom for the person who would tell me where I could sell my ball point microphone pen~ The very next day, my mic was on the market! My me2 friends~ thank you!^.^
Hello~! This is Daraporter!! A while ago, I prepared a picture of Bom for the person who would tell me where I could sell my ball point microphone pen~ The very next day, my mic was on the market! My me2 friends~ thank you!^.^

짜쟌~!그때 약속했던 봄이 사진~!ㅋ마치~봄이가 당쉰들을 찍어주고있는듯한 착각을 불러일으키는 사진입니다!^^그리고 자세히보면 봄의 바지가 상당히 섹시하군요!ㅋ봄의 신체부위중 젤~매력적인 부위는~!?
Tada~! The picture of Bom I promised back then~! ke A picture~ of Bom pretending that she's taking a picture of you guys!^^ Also if you look carefully, Bom's pants are rather sexy! ke Out of Bom's body parts which~ is the most charming part~!?
Tada~! The picture of Bom I promised back then~! ke A picture~ of Bom pretending that she's taking a picture of you guys!^^ Also if you look carefully, Bom's pants are rather sexy! ke Out of Bom's body parts which~ is the most charming part~!?

보~너~스!!!박봄양의 최고 매력적인 부위는 뭐니뭐니해도!치명적인 각선미!ㅋ 댓글 달아준 친구분들중에 한명을 뽑아서~ 택배로 쏴드립니다!^.^ 봄양이 젤 좋아하는 번호로 몇번째 댓글 주인공인지 나중에 공개하겟음!굿럭~!^^
Bo~nu~s!!! No matter how much you ask, Miss Park Bom's most attractive part is! Her deadly legs! ke Out of the people who leave me a comment, I'll choose one and~ send you them through the mail!^.^ I'll reveal the winner, whoever leaves the comment number that's Bom's favourite number, later! Good luck~!^^
Bo~nu~s!!! No matter how much you ask, Miss Park Bom's most attractive part is! Her deadly legs! ke Out of the people who leave me a comment, I'll choose one and~ send you them through the mail!^.^ I'll reveal the winner, whoever leaves the comment number that's Bom's favourite number, later! Good luck~!^^
Source – Dara's Me2Day
Translation – GEE@YGL
Re-uploded by peevss@blackjacks2ne1
Translation – GEE@YGL
Re-uploded by peevss@blackjacks2ne1
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