Original Message: 우리차엔 카메라가 달려있다. 혹시나 사고났을때를 위해 달아논거지만 평소모습이 찍히는건 좀 신경쓰인다ㅋ오늘도 역시 봄이랑 90년대 노래를 틀고 열심히 노래하고 춤을 추는데…ㅋ
Translation|: There’s a camera hanging from the inside of our car. It’s hanging there for in case I get into a car accident, but it bothers me a bit because it records me my regular appearance ke Today again, as expected, I listened to songs form the 90s with Bom and worked hard to sing and dance… ke

Original Message: 그모습이 찍히면 부끄럽기 때문에 앞자리에탄 내가 잽싸게~! 선을 뽑아버렸다!!!^.^V그리고 편한 마음으루 울 오빠들 노래를 들으며 옛날 추억에 빠져들었는데…
Translation: Because it’s embarrassing to get filmed like that, while sitting in the front seat, I quickly~! pulled out the wire!!^.^V And comfortably reminisced about the old days as I listened to our oppa’s songs…

Original Message: 그렇게 신나게 즐기고있는데…! 짱매가 차에 타더니 하는말.. “누나~ 근데 네비게이션은 왜 뽑아놨어여?” 헐… 잘못뽑았다…ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋ오마이갓! 달옹도 나무에서 떨어진다더니..나도 실수를하는구나..ㅠㅋㅋ
Translation: So like that I’m currently enjoying myself…! Then Jjangoo Manager says while riding in the car.. “Noona~ why did you pull out the GPS wire?” Duh… I picked the wrong wire…ㅠㅠ ke ke ke Oh my god! Darong fell out of a tree too.. so I also make mistakes..ㅠke ke
Did YG got 2NE1 a new car or something? ^.^ It seems cool! haha, I hope they'll broadcast the recording of 2NE1 inside the car. But that would be too much stalker-like so maybe not! ^.^ umm, not sure what she’s going on about "falling out of a tree"
Source – Dara's Me2Day
Translation – GEE@YGL
Re-uploded by peevss@blackjacks2ne1
Translation – GEE@YGL
Re-uploded by peevss@blackjacks2ne1
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